Recipe: Tasty Chai Tea

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chai Tea.

Chai Tea You cause roasting fry Chai Tea employing 9 process also 6 as a consequence. Here you go get there.

receipt of Chai Tea

  1. Prepare 4 of cloves.
  2. It's of Milk.
  3. It's of Ginger.
  4. It's of Water.
  5. It's of Black pepper.
  6. Prepare 2 of Teabags [breakfast tea].
  7. You need stick of Cinnamon.
  8. You need pods of Cardimond.
  9. It's of Sugar.

Chai Tea method

  1. Grab 2 cups. Pour water halfway into each cup. Pour that water into into a saucepan. Preferably one with a pouring edge..
  2. Add teabags, cloves, a cinnamon stick,small block of ginger, a pinch of black pepper, 2 cardimond seeds crushed with back of spoon. Let boil..
  3. Once bubbling, add desired amount of sugar. Let boil a little longer..
  4. Pour same amount of milk as you did water. Let boil.
  5. Using a small sieve, pour the mixture carefully into a jug, sieving all the bits! Do this by the sink if you are a beginner..
  6. Now pour into mug and enjoy!!.