Recipe: Perfect My Healthy Granola Start to the day. 😁

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

My Healthy Granola Start to the day. 😁.

My Healthy Granola Start to the day. 😁 You work steeping stew My Healthy Granola Start to the day. 😁 proving 4 ingredients so 3 so. Here is how you perform.

prescription of My Healthy Granola Start to the day. 😁

  1. It's 1 Bowl of Oat Granola mixed with Raisons Almonds +Hazelnuts.
  2. You need A few of Fresh Grapes halved.
  3. You need 1 tbls of my Dried Fruit + Cashew Nuts.
  4. Prepare 1 of little Semi Skimmed Milk.

My Healthy Granola Start to the day. 😁 individually

  1. Add the Granola to the bowl.
  2. Add the Grapes.
  3. Then add dried fruit + Milk.