Traditional_tripolitan_street_sesame_bread_loops. These bread rings are as ubiquitous in the Lebanese food landscape as chips in the American one. They are dry and crisp, perfect for a little pick-me-up on the go. If you belong to the category of people who like to🥨 #bakingcontest Traditional_tripolitan_street_sesame_bread_loops.
If you belong to the category of people who like to🥨 #bakingcontest المقادير Ù¡ كيلو غرام ورق السلق- Ù£ بصل كبيرة- Ù¢ ملعقة طعام سماق - Ù¡ ملعقة طعام Ù…Ù„Ø - ١٢٠مل ليتر أو Ù¡/Ù¢.
You cook boiling fry Traditional_tripolitan_street_sesame_bread_loops applying 6 compound including 11 than. Here you are do a bang-up job.
process of Traditional_tripolitan_street_sesame_bread_loops
- You need 1 kg of flour.
- Prepare 2 cups of water.
- You need 2 teaspoons of yeast.
- It's 1 teaspoon of salt.
- You need 1/3 cup of sugar.
- You need 1/2 cup of white roasted sesame.
Traditional_tripolitan_street_sesame_bread_loops one at a time
- In a small mixing bowl, dissolve the honey with a little water, then add the sesame seeds and set aside.
- In another mixing bowl, place the flour, sugar, yeast, salt and mix all the dry ingredients together.
- Add water and knead the ingredients until a soft and firm dough is formed.
- Sprinkle some flour on a marble surface, or a clean table, and cut the dough into equal-sized circles..
- Cover the dough pieces and leave to rest for 30 mins.
- Drain the sesame seeds from the honey water, and spread on a tray.
- At this stage the dough has rested. Dip each piece of dough into the sesame seeds. Cover and set aside once more for 1 hour to allow the resting process to continue..
- Then we put the dough on an appropriate baking sheet.
- Preheat oven to 200 degrees & bake the dough until they develop into a beautiful golden brown bread..
- The traditional tripolitan street sesame bread loops is normally served stuffed with melted cheese or summac or zaa'tar, alongside other stuffings..
- Made by: Ahmad Kabbara.