How to Cook Appetizing My Spiral veg & Pasta Salad. 😉

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

My Spiral veg & Pasta Salad. 😉.

My Spiral veg & Pasta Salad. 😉 You complete steaming mull My Spiral veg & Pasta Salad. 😉 testing 7 receipt along with 2 and. Here you go nail it.

process of My Spiral veg & Pasta Salad. 😉

  1. It's of Medium sized carrot.
  2. Prepare of Avocado.
  3. It's of Cucumber.
  4. You need of curly pasta.
  5. Prepare of Cooked Beetroot.
  6. It's of little red onion.
  7. You need of little red sweet pepper.

My Spiral veg & Pasta Salad. 😉 gradually

  1. I Spiralised my salad veg. But you can also cut it all very thin which will give the salad a nice effect. Beetroot Avocado Cucumber Carrot and Red Onion. A little white onion..
  2. Add it in lines in a square dish add the pasta. And it's done.add salt n pepper and a little lemon juice..